Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Makes It So... and Other Thoughts (Paperback)

What Makes It So... and Other Thoughts
What Makes It So... and Other Thoughts (Paperback)
By Ean

Review & Description

You ve been taught that you can manifest at will, using the Power Within you. What you ve never been taught is the why and how of using your Power! Now comes the We Factor! The next step! The philosophy behind spirituality, metaphysics, religion, the paranormal and, last but not least, the Bible, has been digested and revised in thousands of books over the last few thousand years. You can t be living on this planet and never heard the philosophy behind these best selling books; The Secret, Law of Attraction, The Four Agreements, and of course the best selling of them all, the Bible. These are extremely powerful books, and no doubt hit a responsive nerve with the human race; after reading these influential books every individual takes their own philosophy, their own perception and applies them to their own lives. Philosophy is really based on the personal outlook of each human being. One could argue that there is one common thread that is universal; the need to feel love. The book Conversations With God is based on love, in the New Testament Jesus tells us how we should love one another, spiritual gurus teach the need to feel love and every religion shouts from the roof tops that we need to love. The word love is probably the most used word ever; we have romance books all about love, songs about love, and greeting cards for loved ones, we tell our closest relationships that we love them on a daily basis... love, love, love; it s all about love, as the Beatles would say. Last but certainly not least is the love of God that has been taught even before we had the written word. But one thing that religion, spirituality, metaphysics, the paranormal and the Bible do not teach is the relationship between you and the extreme love that the lies latently within each of us. A love that is so powerful that it allows you to manifest, to create at will with no conditions. What hasn t been taught is how to connect the dots by using the We Factor . Jesus, Buddha, gurus and enlightened beings all use the We Factor The We Factor now comes to light. Become enlightened (be in knowledge of) of how and why you have the power to manifest your way. The irony is that we do it all day long twenty/four seven anyway, we are just not conscious of what we are doing. The We Factor shows you why it is not about positive or negative thinking it is just about plain ol thinking, period. Connecting the dots is the relationship between you, your body and the extreme power within you. Once you consciously establish those relationships the We Factor is born, and you will no longer be the perpetual seeker, you will have unleashed the latent power that lies within us all and become the God that you intrinsically ARE . Read more

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