Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers, Delirium & Discovery (Paperback)

The Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers, Delirium & Discovery
The Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers, Delirium & Discovery (Paperback)
By Amitav Ghosh

Buy new: $10.94
69 used and new from $1.00
Customer Rating: 3.4

First tagged by Michael Jimerson
Customer tags: science fiction(7), india(5), malaria(5), amitav ghosh(3), evolution(3), modern fiction(3), fiction - india(2), science(2), slipstream(2), adventure, medical thriller, mystery

Review & Description

From Victorian lndia to near-future New York, The Calcutta Chromosome takes readers on a wondrous journey through time as a computer programmer trapped in a mind-numbing job hits upon a curious item that will forever change his life. When Antar discovers the battered I.D. card of a long-lost acquaintance, he is suddenly drawn into a spellbinding adventure across centuries and around the globe, into the strange life of L. Murugan, a man obsessed with the medical history of malaria, and into a magnificently complex world where conspiracy hangs in the air like mosquitoes on a summer night.

The Calcutta Chromosome is one of those books that's marketed as a mainstream thriller even though it is an excellent science fiction novel (It won the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award). The main character is a man named Antar, whose job is to monitor a somewhat finicky computer that sorts through mountains of information. When the computer finds something it can't catalog, it brings the item to Antar's attention. A string of these seemingly random anomalies puts Antar on the trail of a man named Murugan, who disappeared in Calcutta in 1995 while searching for the truth behind the discovery of the cure for malaria. This search for Murugan leads, in turn, to the discovery of the Calcutta Chromosome, which can shift bits of personality from one person to another. That's when things really get interesting. Read more

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