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First tagged by Bill Giovannetti
Customer tags: christianity, philosophy, apologetics, ministry
Review & Description
Thou shalt tolerate every opinion... except the Christian s. Today s postmodern prime directive leaves many followers of Jesus tongue-tied. In the global village, isn t it unreasonable and even dangerous to suggest that the Bible has a monopoly on truth?
The church needs a new breed of Christ-follower. We need Christ-followers who are alert to today s touchy ideas the truths that fire up more heat than light. We need Christ-followers who can make a clear case for the Bible s worldview; who are ready to help our friends think through their beliefs; who can recognize inconsistencies and challenge them; and who can do all of this with humility, confidence, humor, and love.
Are you ready to speak the truth even when your friends roll their eyes, walk away, or take offense? There has never been a truth more life-giving and logical than the biblical, Christian worldview. Four Letter Words helps you say so with courage, compassion, and love.
Table of Contents
1 FOUR LETTER WORDS: Is the message of Jesus a lunatic s curse or heaven s blessing?
2 TRUE: Who says your truth has to be my truth too? Can t we both be right? What is truth and where can I find it?
3 KNOW: How do we know what we know? Is faith a weak link in the Christian s chain of knowing? Doesn t science contradict the Bible?
4 PAIN: Why is there pain and suffering in the world? Why does my life hurt? When will God stop the pain?
5 OUCH: Is suffering real or just an illusion? Does Jesus care? Is he strong enough to heal my wounds?
6 EVIL: Do good and evil really exist? How do I tell the difference? Should Christians be judgmental? Who s to say what s right and wrong?
7 WORD: What makes the Bible so special? Isn t it just one among many valid options? Isn t all truth God s truth?
8 DAMN: Is hell real? Will God send people there? Why? How can hell be consistent with God s love? Doesn t love win in the end?
9 WAIT: Sexuality is a normal part of life, so, if we love each other, why wait? Wasn t the Bible written for a different time and place? Why should we enforce its ancient values today?
10 HOPE: No philosophy or religion has ever given the world as much hope as biblical Christianity. A beautiful story of interlocking truths, revealing the heart of a Father who loves you. Why not try Jesus? Read more
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